Richard Cheong Yew was born in Hawaii on March 17, 1920. He was the fourth child of Ing Wah On and Lau Yee Moy. He lived in for most of his life in Hawaii on 1434 Gulick Avenue in Kalihi.
The Gulick Avenue House had many fruit trees in the front yard (avacado, lychee, long hgan-Dragon Eye, Philipino mango, rose bushes and night blooming jasmine and gardinia) The house was set backand had a wrap-around porch. The back yard was also large enough for a garden and hen coops. A stream marked the back of the property.
Richard love to build balsa-wood model airplanes, covered with silk. He would stay up all hours to finish them, then take them over to his friends house to try them out.
In 1931, Richared moved back to China with his parents when they retired. He stayed in Hong Kong on Bonham Road till 1937, then he moved back to Hawaii with Ken and Hook Mun.
Richard went to Glendale, California for aeronautical mechanics training. He stayed in the YMCA. He finished school in 1939. He wanted to go back to Hong Kong but was told to stay in California. He returned to Hawaii around 1941 via air and stayed with his sister Pearl. He worked as a pattern maker for the ship foundry in Pearl Harbor. During the war, he worked for Ford Island Aviation and worked there all during the war. He met Helen Lau in the late 1944 and he got married in December 1945 at the Chinese Christian Church on King Street in Honolulu. They have two children, Kathleen Garlyn Ing (born November 30, 1946) and Dexter (born November 13, 1949)
Richard was drafted into the army in Sept. 1945 and had basic training in Scofield for a couple of weeks, then assigned to Hickam Air Field 13th Replacement Division. And then to quartermaster at Scofield.
In the 1950’s, he had a house on Alohea Ave Apartment in Kapilani Blvd, in Honolulu., and later on he moved to 1359 Uila St. in Honolulu. He worked at different jobs in the 1950’s His last job was with the United States Overseas Airlines (USOA) until 1960. Then switched to the dispatch office with Aloha Aillines until retirement in 1986. Helen worked for the Kamehameha School from 1962 and retired in 1998.
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