FRANCIS WU – PHOTOGRAPHER by Rene Guimaraes Remedios
Strange as it may seem, the Hong Kong Photographic Society have been able to put out a better “One Man Photographic Exhibition” this year than their International Salon last year.
Francis Wu, who is giving the first of the series of one-man shows. Sponsored by the local photographic Society has been delving into the field of photography for many years and has been amply rewarded for his labors by the many awards and medals he has received from photographic societies all over the world. He holds a Certificate of Merit from the Royal Photographic Society, London, one from the Lincoln Camera Club, Lincoln, England, and another from the “Popular Photography” magazine, and the Memorial Diploma from the First International Salon of Photography arranged by the Jonkopings Fotoklupp, Sweden, among many other gold, bronze and silver medals.
Francis Wu, more than other local, and even foreign. Photographers, has a remarkable knack of catching the being and essence of his models as shown in many studies of old Chinese models. Of course, “Old Butt Delicious” showing a bamboo-hatted Chinese sucking in through old, hollow cheeks, the few puffs left in an old cigarette butt, is an excellent example of his wonderful technique and has won for the proud photographer, two hundred acceptances, a gold and a bronze medal from foreign photographic salons. “His Last Song” taking just before the model starved to death during the Japanese occupation of Hong Kong, has been well named for all the pathos and resignation to the death that has come, have been excellently caught by the camera and is representivre of the art of Francis Wu. The cigarette certainly satisfied the old Chinese model of “It Satisfies” as his many wrinkles and scars of passing time, have been very expressively portrayed by the photographer.
Old Butt Delicious by Francis Wu
His landscapes and scenery photographs are also very well taken and, of these, “In Taipo Water” and “Early Morning” are outstanding for the peacefully floating junks on the calm, clear water. In the first picture, Francis Wu has caught the transparency and clearness of the calm sea to perfection, and the reflection cast against the shadow cast by the quiet hills. Represent a fine study of life in the many bays dotted about Hong Kong and Kowloon waters.
Francis Wu is a “Chinese Photographer” and he is peerless in this field.
But it is satisfying to know that Hong Kong has managed to produce such a capable photographer, works of whom have been widely acclaimed throughout the world, and who has generated so much glory for Hong Kong in photographic salons in Europe and America