This International Exhibition of Photography in India is under the auspices of The Federation of Indian Photography. It is opened by Sri S.K. Chettur, I.C.S. at Memorial Hall, Park Town, Madras on September 22, 1956.
The jury of selection and judges of this exhibition are Shankerlal Davay, A.R.P.S., Hon. M.A.P.S., S.V. Gopal Rao and R.R. Ganguli. 1158 Black and White entries were received and from these 193 pictures have been chosen for exhibiting.
The present salon maintains the high standard of the 1st International Salon held last year and one must say that there is a greater variety in the prints shown and consequently one may expect the exhibition to have a wider appeal.
Francis Wu, FPSA, FRPS, FIBP of 2 Gloucester Arcade, Hong Kong has two photographs in this Salon:
78 Koko
79 Drifting In The Moonlight
Koko By Frncis Wu |