Dr. Francis Wu will visit KCC to lecture in the Kodak Park Lounge on Oct. 1, 1952. Dr. Wu recently lectured at the PSA Convention in New York City and made a big hit with his audience there. Kodakers will remember the full page given him in May 8, 1952 of Kodakery. Famed the world over as an exhibitor, his photographic activities include portraiture, press photos, color, commercial and industrial pictures, Dr. Wu is Hong Kong’s and China’s PSA representative, editor-In-Chief of Chinese Photography, publisher of photographic text books and author of “Chinese Classical Beauties” He is a Fellow of The Royal Society of Great Britain, also of the Photographic Society of America and of the Institute of British Photographers. Besides promoting photogpahy, he introduces Chinese art to the world. His lecture here, his first in Rochester, should prove to be very entertaining and interesting event.
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