In his talk on “The Art of Photography” to the Kowloon Rotary Club in Hong Kong luncheon at Peninsula Hotel yesterday, Mr. Francis Wu, the Colony’s leading professional photographer, listed five essential points for making photographs of first class quality.
The five essentials were idea, concept, technique, composition and appeal. A mystery of these five essentials together with some imagination and alertness would enable a photographer to produce pictures exhibition standard.
Observing everyday life and using one’s imagination could obtain ideas. Technique not only referred to darkroom work but of how to use a camera properly and what kind of camera to use. It was essentially the darkroom technique that made a snapshot becomes a prized photograph; There was also a mastery of the selection of the developer and paper and how to expose the film.
Mr. Wu said that many photographers paid too much attention to their darkroom technique and forgot about the composition of their pictures.
Mr. Wu illustrated his talk with a number of photographs. Among them were some like Chinese paintings. Mr. Wu said that photography could do a lot for the presentation of art and in presenting Chinese paintings on photographs he used a number of prints in one photograph.
Merry-go-Round by Francis Wu
Mr. Wu showed a number of experiments he had made by using up to five negatives in one picture One of this were called “Merry-go-Round” in which a nude was surrounded by rings of light, and another was called “Chinese Tapestry”
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