Francis Wu was born in 1911 the village of Buck Toy in the Chung Shan District, Kwangtung (Canton) province (Between Macao and Canton). He was the first son of Ing Wah On.

Ing Wah On & Lau Yee Moy
His father Wah On was working and managing a grocery store, Wu Chung & Co. in the A’ala market in Hawaii. The business was so good they eventually took over the space of half of A’ala Market. Wah On brought his family over from China in 1917 when Francis was 6 and had his brothers working in the market.

Francis Wu (Cheung Kin)

Francis Wu (Cheung Kin) attended St. Louis High School on River Street. Every afternoon he attended Mun Lum Chinese Language School. Francis excelled in his classes both at St. Louis snd Mun Lum Chinese. He was well liked and especially during his senior year when he substitute taught the lower grades. He graduated head of the class.
While in High School, Francis was the art editors of both school papers and year books. He won many prizes in art competitions.
On June 18, 1931, Wah On took his family back to China on the Maru of the NYK to retire and to be close to his son Francis, who was going to Lin Nam University in Canton

Two factors concerned them about staying in Shanghai. A lunar eclipse during the Moon festival (August/ Sept. 1931) was considered a bad omen, plus the noise of gunfire associated with the Japanese attack on Shanghai was considered too close.
So in 1931, they all moved to Hong Kong.
Francis met Daisy Ching at school in Hawaii. Daisy was born in Hawaii. In 1932, Francis married Daisy in Buck Toy, China. Francis then went to attend Lin Nan College in Canton while Daisy stayed with her in-laws in Hong Kong.
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