Francis Wu |
It's The Idea That Counts
In photography idea is one of the main ingredients that go in making a picture. So thinks Francis Wu who has been taking pictures for over 40 years.
Idea alone, however is not enough and must go together with composition and technique which, speaking from his own experiences, Wu remarked comes as one get more interested in taking pictures.
Talking of “Vanity” which he took and which illustrates this story, Wu said he had been wanting for a long time to take a picture series showing classical Chinese Beauties as they looked in the olden days.
He further remarked that the Chinese and Western conception of beauty is different. In the latter, parts of the body, from hands, bosom, neck to legs are photographed partially or wholly uncovered drawing emphasis, as a result, on the sex factor. The Chinese are more conservative on such matters and the classical beauty “Vanity” is shown making up hr eyebrow with a brush. The emphasis in the picture, as he wanted to convey it, is on refinement and subdued elegance
"Vanity".............The Chinese Way |
Strive For Realism
Wu, whose picture have won prizes in international salons, rates American photographers the best in the world because of their concern over details.
Where do Hong Kong photographers stand? Its Wu’s opinion that Hong Kong photographers, striving for realism are less meticulous on questions on detail and more or less go along with Japanese photographers who believe in taking an action picture as it is happening without being unduly concerned over angle and lighting. One has to have “a seeing eye” If he is to excel in picture taking